How to Increase Your ROI with FB Ads Library

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May 12, 2022

From reviewing the competition to deep analysis to filtered searches making it easier to see what’s performing, FB ads library is a crucial tool that can be a game-changer if you know how to leverage it. 

How to Increase Your ROI with FB Ads Library

When running a Facebook ads campaign, your primary aim is to increase ROI. After all, the goal of advertising is to boost profit for your business. Thankfully, Facebook has your back in that department. The FB Ads Library is one of many ways the social media platform aids marketers in maximizing their ad campaigns. However, just like all of Facebook's features, the Ads Library can only help you maximize your ROI if you know what you’re doing. In this article, we show you how to use it. Ready? Let’s go. 

What is Facebook Ads Library?

First things first: Ads Library is a Facebook feature that allows you to search the site's database and get details of any ad campaign on the platform. It includes all relevant information from who created the campaign and creatives that were used, down to the minor details, like what variables were A/B tested by the marketer. 

So, why do you need it? The FB Ads Library is an enormous help to new marketers because it provides a guide to what works and what doesn't. The library contains handy information on what competitors are doing. With that intel, you can generate ideas for your own campaign. 

How To Use Facebook Ads Library To Improve Your Campaign 

Ads Library was initially created to help improve the transparency of marketing on the platform. Since then, it has morphed into a powerful tool that marketers use to enhance their ROI. Here's how it's done: 

Review Competitor Ads

Ads Library allows you to see details of every ad on the platform, from your market rivals to the most successful brands in the world. The major brands are a good place to start your research. Check out the successful businesses in your field and even in other industries to give you novel ideas for your own campaign. 

After you scope out your competition, it's time for analysis. Examine what your direct market rivals are doing and how. With Ads Library, you can view their A/B tests, enabling you to incorporate only the successful variables into your campaign. 

By viewing successful competitor ads, you also get a peek into the minds of your audience. What resonates with them and how can you grab their attention? You also get to see what tone and word choice is more likely to generate clicks, as well as the creatives that drive more traffic. These details and metrics add up to incredibly useful data, saving you hours of market research. 

Make Use of the Reports Feature

The Reports feature in the Ads Library delivers an even more intricate analysis of ad campaigns for category ads like politics, social issues, real estate/housing, elections, employment, and credit. Essentially, it enables you to see all the minute details behind each campaign strategy, like the campaign’s budget structure and geographical variables. 

With Reports, you get an endless database of information that shows you what works and what doesn't on the platform, which means you can make adjustments to pivot your ad campaign in the right direction. 

Apply the Filter

Facebook also lets you filter the ads in their library by media type. You can narrow your search results to ads containing videos, memes, animation, and other creatives. This is an excellent way to find out what kinds of ad creatives generate the most favorable results. For example, if your market competitors are running successful ads by incorporating slideshows or carousels, it may be time to experiment with slideshows in your own campaigns! Another benefit: you can improve your existing creative ideas by incorporating details of your competitor's ads into your campaign. 

Creatives aren't the only vital variable to consider when running ads. The time your ads go live to your audience also plays a major role in determining your ROI. Check out the time frames your competition runs their ads, as well as on big sales holidays like Valentine's Day and Christmas. This will give you a clearer view of when to publish your ads—and when not to! 

Determine Longevity 

Long-running ads are part and parcel of successful marketing. While you'll need to update your ad campaigns frequently to match new trends and objectives, your business should have some ads that run consistently over a longer period. After all, replacing every campaign and ad set weekly can get really time-consuming.

Ads Library helps you build long-running ads by finding existing ads that have been live on the platform for an extended period. You can search the library for top brands and advertisers, clicking on "active ads" and looking for the ones with the longest run time. 

Successful ads with extended run times will contain messages and creatives that aren't seasonal or time-sensitive, which means that they resonate with audiences long-term. If you see that many of those ads have similar features, then it’s probably a good idea to incorporate them into making a long-running ad of your own. 

Revitalize Your Ads and Increase your ROI

The good news is that there are so many effective ways to increase your ROI using FB Ads Library and the other strategies Facebook provides marketers with. While you can leave it to chance with a DIY method, keep in mind that marketing your business properly from the get-go is vital to long-term profit. It’s smart to begin your ads journey with advertising experts at your side who are dedicated to making your business a success. 

We are SocialKtchn and we’re ready to help you reach for your big dream. As the mom-and-pop shop of paid social media ads, our goal is to help your business grow through successful social media campaigns. Our clients aren’t just numbers: we view ourselves as an extension of your team, which means that if you’re succeeding, so are we. 


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